2023-2024 PBL Work
2022-2023 PBL Work
2021-2022 PBL Work
2020-2021 Virtual PBL During a Pandemic!
2019-2020 PBL Work
First Quarter Work
Second Quarter Work
Third Quarter Work
Fourth Quarter Work
Year-Long PBL
Kindergarten students learned how to prepare for an interview by using their speaking and listening skills to learn more about their friends’ toy preferences. Using these skills, they were able to solve problems, play cooperatively, and follow classroom rules. Also, they learned more about their friends' preferences and were able to create new toys using recyclables.
Kindergarten students have learned how to use their research skills to group their rocks and soil materials into their respective groups based on their similarities and differences. They were able to create narratives from the data they collected during their lab experiences. They documented their stories through art, writing and technology.
Photo Gallery
Kindergarten students learned how to classify animals and different species. Students researched various animals and chose a specific animal to illustrate. Then students engaged in the peer critique process to refine their drawings. Next they created digital presentations using coding to showcase their knowledge with the community.
Field Trip: High Touch and High Tech
Students were able to learn more about living things, animal habitats, and comparing animal moms and babies |
Field Experiences: Plants and Animals
Photo Gallery
Scratch Animation Gallery
Students animated their animal drawings using Scratch, a drag-and-drop coding language for beginners. The students chose a background habitat for their animals and coded sounds, movements and voiceovers.
Hummingbird Robots
Kindergarten students were able to take the animals they researched for their PBL project and made (very) basic robots. Students used the arts and crafts trunk to turn their animals into cardboard versions and the Hummingbird STEAM trunk to put the head on motors so they moved. Students were able to decorate their animals with glowing or googly eyes!
More Hummingbird Robots Below
Kindergarteners started their own businesses and created their own products that most interested them to discover how people work to make money, help the community and use their unique talents.
- Why is work important?
- What do you want to be when you grow up and how are you qualified?
- How can you help the community?